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发布日期:2011-11-21    点击:

北京航空航天大学研究生院关于外国留学研究生培养工作的基本规定(试行)The Regulations of Graduate School of Beihang University on International Graduates Training and Management (July, 2010) According to The Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on Academic Degrees[1], The Temporary Procedures of Implementing Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Academic Degrees[2], The Temporary Implementing Ordinance of Beihang University on Academic Degree Conferrals [3], and the relevant documents issued by the State Education Committee on training of international graduates, the regulations on training and management of international graduates of Beihang University are as follows:I. Admission AffairsThe International School undertakes the task of enrolling international graduates. Only those major pursuing master or doctorate degree programs[4] in BUAA and approved by higher authorities are open to international graduates Candidates should go through either the qualification-examination or an interview by their supervisors as the entrance examination. The International School and the training school appoint supervisors for the international students.The enrollment time for international Graduates is mainly in September each year.II. Studying YearsGenerally, it is required to finish one’s study in 2 or 2.5years for a bachelor to get a master degree, 3 or 4 years for a master to get a PhD degree. The scheme of Master Program on Space Technology Applications (MASTA)[5] is 9 months course study and 6-12 months advanced research projects.The total months that international students spend on course study and scientific research in BUAA campus should, in principle, amount to no less than half of the whole studying years. Any advancement or postponement of the thesis defense should be strictly examined.III. Management of Student StatusThe International School takes charges of the management of student status, such as entrance, registration, award[6], penalty, etc.The International Graduates status changes related with academic issues, advancement or postponement of thesis defense, and major change are treated by the training school and the International School together. The results should be timely submitted to the Graduate School for record.IV. Training AffairsTo ensure the quality of training, the supervisor or the supervisor group headed by the supervisor is totally responsible for the training of their students, including the training plan, research project selection, scientific research, and thesis writing. International students are encouraged to select the interdisciplinary research project or the project related with the situations of his/her home country.The training and management of the international graduates are in accordance with the domestic graduates. Special issues about international graduates shall be jointly handled by the International School and the training school. 1. Training PlanTraining of international graduates should follow the basic requirements of BUAA for PhD or master degrees. Under these conditions, the training plan for an international graduate can be made by the training school depending on his/her particular demands.The training plan of an international graduate consists of two parts: the course plan[7] and the research project plan[8]. The two plans should be completed by both the graduate and his/her supervisor, approved by the vice-dean of the training school within one month after his/her registration. The research project plan should be made annually under the guidance of the supervisor, and kept in the training school for the convenience of inspecting its implementation. 2. Course System and Credit RequirementThe course system for the international graduates consists of required courses and electives.(1) Courses for Master Degree StudentsGenerally, the course study lasts for one year. The total credits required for master students are at least 30, of which 4 are for common-required courses, 16 for major-required courses, and 2 for expertise courses, see Table 1: Table 1 Structure of the course system for master students Total Credits≥30 Required Courses≥22 creditsElectives Common-required courses (4 credits)Major-required courses(≥16 credits)Expertise courses (2credits)Common-elective courses² Introduction to China (1)² Chinese (3)² Basic courses ( mathematics) (≥3)² Basic major-related courses² Courses on major² Experimental courses (Science) or social practice courses (Humanities)² Literature survey and thesis proposal report (1)² Academic activities (1)² Major- elective courses² Cross-major courses (2) Courses for PhD CandidatesGenerally, the course study lasts for one year. The total credits required for PhD candidates are at least 13, of which 4 are for common-required courses, 7 for major-required courses, and 2 for the expertise courses, see Table 2: Table 2 Structure of the course system for PhD candidatesTotal Credits ≥ 13 Required courses (training procedures included)≥12 creditsElectives Common-required courses (4Credits)Major-required courses (≥7Credits)Expertise courses (2Credits)Common-elective courses² Introduction to China (1)² Chinese (3)² Basic courses ( mathematics) (≥3)² Basic major-related courses² Courses on major² Experimental courses (Science) or social practice courses (Humanities)² Academic Writing and Report² Literature survey and thesis proposal report (1)² Academic activities (1)² Major-related courses² Cross-major courses For those doctoral candidates who have obtained a master degree in BUAA, the requirements on the common-required courses and major-required courses should abide by the relevant specific regulations. 3. Score ManagementThe Academic scores of international graduates are managed in the same way as that of the domestic graduates. Grades/scores are reported by the teachers and they are required to transmit the grades/scores to the training school for record within 2 weeks after the exams. During the study period, the Transcript of Academic Records should be provided by the training school, and after the study period the transcript can be provided by the Archives Office with the approval of the International School.For the jointly trained students, according to the cooperation agreement, their course grades/scores acquired in their home country can be recorded validly after verified by the Graduate School and the International School.Those students who fail the exam are required to re-take the course and pay the extra fee by the students themselves. 4. Training Procedures(1) Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal ReportThe Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report of international graduates are required as the same as that of the domestic graduates in accordance with the Implementation of Management on Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report, BUAA[9-10]. The Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report should be presented and appraised 8 months before defense for master, 12 months before defense for the PhD candidates. The requirement of the minimum numbers of the literatures is set by the training schools. In addition, the research project must be conformed to the Secret Laws of the People’s Republic of China.The Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report should be publicly presented and assessed by the assessing organized by the training school. The assessing group should consist of 3-5 professors appointed by the training school. When two or more disciplines are involved in the project, experts in each concerned discipline should be invited. The assessing results should be classified as A/B/C/D, where D means fail.Those who fail in the Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report can get another chance after if he/she applies for and gets approved both by the supervisor and the vice-dean. The second Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report is, generally, presented to the original assessing group. If fails again, he/she shall be denied the continuance of the training. If the project is altered significantly, a new Literature Survey and Thesis Proposal Report is required.(2) Academic ActivitiesThe international graduates should take part in the academic activities organized either by the university or by the training school[11]. International doctoral candidates are required to make at least one academic report in the academic activities[12].(3) Midterm InspectionTo ensure the training quality, the training school should regularly organize Midterm Inspection on the research progress[13] and inform the International School of the results. The Midterm Inspection should be conducted 6 months before the degree defense.The reports of [15] and [16] are required by the International School. Those reports will be submitted to your sponsor and/or the related scholarship evaluation organizers.(4) Paper publicationDoctoral candidates are required to publish at least one academic paper in international journal or conference during their studying years[16]. Master students are encouraged to publish academic papers.V. Thesis Defense and Degree ConferralAffairs related to thesis defense and degree conferral for international graduates are same as that for the domestic graduates[17-19] and also in accordance with The Temporary Implementing Ordinance of Beihang University on Academic Degree Conferrals [3].The application materials for evaluation and the decisions given by the thesis defense committee should be written in Chinese and be kept on file. If necessary, an English version can be attached.The abstract of the thesis should be written in both Chinese and English. Language used in the thesis defense can be either Chinese or English.Graduation diploma and master degree certificate will be awarded to those applicants who have passed all the courses, the training procedures, the thesis defense after the approval of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of BUAA. For the applicants who pass their thesis defense but did not meet other training requirements, only a graduation diploma is conferred. For the applicants who fail to pass their thesis defense, only a courses-completed diploma is conferred.Graduation diploma and PhD certificate will be awarded to those applicants who have passed all the courses, the training procedures, the dissertation defense after the approval of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of BUAA. The applicants who fail to meet all the requirements for getting a doctoral degree may be awarded a master degree based on their grades and academic level of the thesis after the approval of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee of BUAA.Degree certificates are issued by the Graduation School and the graduation diploma are issued by the International School respectively.The International School can recommend outstand international graduates to apply for excellent Master degree thesis and Excellent PhD degree dissertation of BUAA.VI. Termination of TrainingThe midterm wash out will be conducted after courses study, Thesis Proposal Report and Midterm Inspection respectively.The midterm wash out will be organized by the training school and the results should be transmitted to both the Graduate School and the International School for record.Students will be terminated of their training when one of the following situations comes forth:(1) fail cumulatively in 3 required courses (make up exams included).(2) fail in the Thesis Proposal Report or Midterm Inspection of research progress on the thesis and re-selection or re-inspection.(3) apply for a termination of the study and get permission from the supervisor and the training school.(4) be regarded by the supervisor and his/her training school as not being suitable to continue the study due to his/her studying attitude.Those who get the termination shall be conferred the study certificate if they have finished all the course study required by the training program. If they do not complete all the course study, only a certificate for the completed courses is conferred. The regulations in this document are in effect for the students enrolled in or after the September of 2010.If any previous regulations contradict with these, only this document functions.This document has Chinese and English versions. The Chinese version prevails.Explanation of the regulations belongs to the Graduate School of BUAA only. Notes:[1]. Refer to Related document: 《中华人民共和国学位条例》(Chinese Version)[2]. Refer to Related document: 《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》(Chinese Version)[3]. Refer to Related document: 《北京航空航天大学学位授予暂行实施细则》[4]. Refer to DOCUMENT 2: < degree programs for postgraduates in beihang university>[5]. Refer to DOCUMENT 3: [6]. Refer to DOCUMENT 4: [7]. Refer to FORM 1: in Page[8]. Refer to FORM 2: < research project training plan>[9]. Refer to DOCUMENT 5: [10].Refer to FORM 3: [11].Refer to FORM 4: Academic Activities-Attending[12].Refer to FORM 5: Academic Activities-Speaking (PhD)[13].Refer to FORM 6 : Midterm Inspection[14].Refer to FORM 7: Quarterly Research Progress[15].Refer to FORM 8: Annual Research Progress[16].Refer to DOCUMENT 6: [17].Refer to DOCUMENT 7: Paraphrased into English of some chapters of < the temporary implementing ordinance of beihang university on academic degree conferrals>[18].Refer to DOCUMENT 8: [19]. Refer to FORM 9: Dissertation Defense Application (PhD)


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